Struck By a Rainbow
At the end of May I had the chance to get a picture I've always dreamed of taking: a rainbow and lightning simultaneously. It was a juxtaposition of calm and chaos; serenity and fury. I've seen it happen a couple times before, but had never successfully captured it. The conditions and the timing had to be just right. After chasing storms for several hours, I was almost ready to go home when the heavy rain started. But I couldn't ignore the warm glow emerging in the west, despite the incessant rain. I knew a large rainbow was likely, I just had to find a way to capture it out of the rain. So I attached my camera to the car window, and pointed east. I still had to wipe raindrops off my lens frequently, but this made it possible to shoot a few dozen frames. The two bolts of lightning occurred about 60 seconds apart, and I merged the pictures together.